What Areas Can Be Treated
Although most treatments are carried out on the face, Dermaroller and Dermapen can be used anywhere on the body where there is scarring or skin regeneration is required. It is very popular to use on the upper chest (décolletage) where it can act upon creased skin, on stretch marks on the abdomen, on thighs and buttocks and scars due to surgery or trauma.
If you are only concerned with a small area or a specific scar, Dermapen is the ideal treatment. It allows us to focus on a specific target with greater penetration and intensity, helping to eliminate even the deepest of scars.
The medical device is used to produce thousands of micro-medical needle columns in the skin. Each column will penetrate into the dermis of the skin and will be approximately 0.1mm in width. The column will close rapidly enabling the skin to recover quickly – often in the same day. We use a topical anaesthetic or local anaesthetic injection to numb the skin making the procedure comfortable; it will normally take up to 30 minutes for the topical anaesthetic to work and 20 – 30 minutes for the procedure.
After a Dermaroller or Dermapen procedure your body will start to naturally regenerate and repair the skin, working below the surface in the dermis. This takes time as new collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced. It can take up to six weeks before visible signs of regeneration and repair are seen and the process will continue over the following months, providing you with a natural and long lasting enhancement.
We recommend a series of 2 – 3 procedures with approximately 6 weeks between them. In the treatment of acne scars and other types of scarring, more treatments may be required.
Dermaroller and Dermapen are extremely safe. Treatment simply stimulates and enhances your own body repair mechanisms and there are no chemicals, products or lasers delivered to the skin. It is not recommended if there are any medical conditions that might interfere with this process as healing may not occur as expected. As with any cosmetic procedure, treatment is contra-indicated in pregnancy or breast-feeding. A full medical history will be taken before any procedure takes place.
Topical anaesthetic or local anaesthetic injections are used to minimise any pain that is experienced during the procedure. Certain areas of the face (usually above the top-lip and around the eyes) can be quite uncomfortable. The practitioner will be talking to you during the procedure and if any area is particularly sensitive, then this area can be avoided. Most people find the procedure a little uncomfortable but not particularly painful.
Side effects are extremely rare as it is a very safe procedure. After treatment there will be some redness which usually resolves quickly. As it an injectable treatment, bruising can occur, but infrequently. Sometimes treatment can precipitate the development of spots or cold sores.
Immediately after your treatment you will look as though you have moderate sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This will start to subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally recover within the same day with only slight redness the following day. We apply cream after the procedure to help soothe and calm the skin. Use tepid water to cleanse the face for the following 48 hours and dry gently, always make sure your hands are clean when touching the treated area. It is recommended that make up is not applied for 12 hours after the procedure. If you will be in daylight immediately after the procedure apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a SPF50. This will be applied following your treatment. The skin may feel dry after treatment and you can use your normal skin care regime to treat this.
If you are only concerned with a small area or a specific scar, Dermapen is the ideal treatment. It allows us to focus on a specific target with greater penetration and intensity, helping to eliminate even the deepest of scars.
Aftercare advice
Immediately after your treatment you will look as though you have moderate sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This will start to subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally recover within the same day with only slight redness the following day.
Your practitioner may well apply cream after the procedure to help soothe and calm the skin, which you may continue to use until the redness has cleared. Use tepid water to cleanse the face for the following 48 hours and dry gently, always make sure your hands are clean when touching the treated area. It is recommended that make-up is not applied for 12 hours after the procedure although your practitioner may be able to supply you with specialist mineral make-up that they feel would be suitable for use during this period.
A broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen of at least SPF30 must be applied following treatment and you will need to continue to apply this on a daily basis for at least two weeks, even during the winter or on cloudy days. In the days following your Dermaroller or Dermapen treatment as the skin starts to regenerate and repair it may well feel drier than normal. A simple moisturising cream is recommended if this is the case.
The results following a treatment often take 6 weeks to appear and a course of 3 treatments about 6 weeks apart is often recommended.
Although rare, bruising may occur following a dermaroller or dermapen procedure. This is usually very mild and settles very quickly.
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